Monday, October 04, 2010

Eliminating My Excuses

Always a good thing to take your own advice. Tonight, I am doing just that by elminating my excuses. About 2 years ago, I started this blog. Then after faithfully posting for a month, I gave up. I still had bright ideas and witty things to say (at least they sound witty in my head) but I had no audience. (Except for my mom, and even she was iffy). The lack of audience discouraged me. After all, where are my adoring fans? Reality check: they don't exsist or they are busy. For purpose of my sanity, I'm going to assume the second.

Anyway, two "aw ha" moments from this experience. 1. The lack of audience was just an excuse not to write. Writing, like most skills, require discipline. If you (meaning 'I') are (am) serious, you (again 'I') must be willing to do it when no one is watching. And 2, if you keep doing it (and you are good) then promote yourself (again, my own self) and the audiance will come. Afterall, I have over 900 fb friends and almost 100 followers, so maybe somebody is reading.

Total aside, best thing ever is blogging from my phone, which I am doing right now. Droid rocks!!!
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.2

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