Yes, this is a country music song. Little known fact about me....I love country. I have always liked country, but the older I get the more I connect with it. My dad introduced me to country. In his not so subtle way of blasting "Hank Williams, Jr." and "Johnny Cash" from his flashy 300z or convertible or Cadillac riding through the hood, with the T-tops off, top down or sunroof back, my dadd singing really loud, off key and no beat, my Brother and I used to just cringe. Bad enough, when my Dad picked me up for the mall he would pretend he was my "suga daddy" (long story, his way of scaring off teenage boys), but to roll away with the sound of "All My Roudy Friends Are Comin Over Tonight" blaring from the car, this is the stuff teen therapy sessions are made of. But somewhere after the embarrassment, shame and therapy, I became a fan.
My Dad had a strict rules about his country. First rule, no women. Dolly Parton, Reba and Lorreta Lynn were not on my Dad's playlist. Second rule, no love songs. He said R&B had the love thing covered, since that is ALL they talk about, so he didn't need country music to feed his soul. He needed country music to remind him to have a good time.
This week was rough. I had several proposal due, struggled to manage the needs of all my clients and had to make some critical financial decisions. In short, this week was a downer. Normally, I unwind like a lot of Americans, walk down the street and engage in my favorite happy hour. But this week, I really needed to have a little bit more connection. So, I went in search of my country music fix. Something that was going to make me dance around the living room, laugh and release my troubled mind. It is probably no coincidence that my Dad's birthday was this week and if he had been alive he would be 67 (guess that contributed to my funk a little too...can't blame everything on work). Anyway, normally, I follow my Dad's rules (I know he is wrong, but hey this is a little about him, right) but I left my TV on the "ON DEMAND" channel and they previewed this song by Sugarland.
It beaks all the rules - by a woman and about love - but the video is fun and cheeky. I love it. The melody is catchy and lyrics are sassy. I love it. (oh, I said that already) So, anyway, I played this song all weekend. It made me smile. Maybe it will do the same for you!
"You and me baby we're stuck like glue"

This is a blog to share my thoughts and ideas. Mostly I am interested in helping people improved there businesses, organizations, or individual circumstance, but that is work. When I am not working, I care about sports (especially Mystics, Pistons, & Chiefs) and politics, but occasionally another random thought may occur. When it does, I will post it here. Finally, a platform to share my opinions with the WORLD....could talk radio be far behind? Hmmm.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Nelly - Just A Dream (And a Pretty Damn Good One!)
How can I not support this brother from the "Show Me". This is a totally different side to my boy. Admittedly, I am a Nelly fan and thanks to some friends who own a hot night spot in St. Louis, I have partied with him and his crew. (Real funny story about how Murphy Lee went on a mission one New Year's to get me drunk....must attend HH24BB to get that story.) Anyway, one thing I love about Nelly is that he is true to who he is and doesn't try to stay in the stereotypical rapper mode. This song is not only touching and heartfelt, it is hot! LOVE IT (and ya know I am not a touchy/feely type).
By the way, if you don't love the effect with the eye, when it shatters....well damn. I got nothin for you.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Google Saves My Life and My Wallet....Again!!!!
Like you, I am in constant search of a solution to my nagging phone issues, that plague me while trying to keep up with work, family and friends. Frankly, between my cell, home and work phones, I just want to throw them out the frickin window!!! I don't know if you have these issues, but here are mine:
- First issue, voice mail. I don't know about you but I am really bad at checking voice mail. I manage to check it on my cell. At least once a week, I will try to remember to check my voicemail at my office. But if the only number you have is my home number, good luck ever reaching me or me EVER listening to your message. I have even subscribed to the web/email voice notification that allows you play messages via the web. Think that has help..HELL NO.
- Google Voice Solution: Voicemail sent to you via email or text using voice to text technology. So, now I get my voicemail instantly. It is fabulous.
- Second issue I have businesses in both Kansas City and Washington DC. Currently I have a cell phone with "KC" area code (and I always will, I have had this # for more than 10 years) but most of my business and life happens in "DC". Sometimes, the DC folks are put off by calling a "KC" phone number.
- Google Voice Solution: Allows you to choose the area code of your google #. In fact, you can even choose the numbers you want in your number, utilizing the option to have the phone numbers spell stuff. I was able to choose an option that has the same last four digits as my cell phone. Sweet. Easy for me and everyone else.
- Third issue, my cell phone does not have unlimited battery power, I am not at home or in my office all the time and it is important for me to make sure that I am available to them, be it family, clients or friends. And it is too much hassle to keep track of a bunch of different numbers for one person (and let's face it, I love them, but some of my people in my world are trifilin').
- Google Voice Solution: 1 phone number that will ring me everywhere I am . Not only will the number find me, it will ring all of my phone as the same time, so when my cousin goes to jail, I can get the call to pick up her kids (lol, just kidding...not really)
- Final issue (well I have more but I am getting tired of typing and my hair is almost done), I don't want some people to find me. Random people who have my number, telemarketers and, let's be honest, sometimes our friends and family. (Ya know I luv ya'll, but it is the truth.) Another honesty point, sometimes we just don't feel like being bothered.
- Google Voice Solution: Call ID, Call Screening and, the best ever, Call Grouping. Not need to explain Call ID and Screening, if ya don't know what that stuff is then you are not ready for Google Voice anyway. But Call Grouping is the greatest; it allows you to designate indivdually or as part of a group who can reach you, how they reach you and when they can reach you. Basically, it puts you in control of your phone. Finally.... I get to control something!!!!
Okay, that's it. That's all for now. Oh crap....I forgot the best part....All of these services and many more are FREE.....LOVE GOOGLE ( you know if apple came out with this, it would cost ). This is going to allow me to cut my phone bill by about $50 bucks a month. Yea.. Google.
Here's the link so you can check it out for yourself.
Wednesday, October 06, 2010
Cut Energy Cost, Get A Blanket...In Theory
Occasionally (well, in truth, I have them everyday), you have these moments where you come face to face with who you are as a person. In these moments the fantasy of who you are in your mind is shattered my the reality of who are in reality and you can run from it no more. Today was my day to stop running.
In general, I consider myself to be a pretty progressive person. Ok, I'm not an environmentalist, but I recycle my paper and plastics; regularly take public transit or car pool (ok, maybe I do this because I hate to drive); actively seek out products in eco-friendly containers and, even my BFF is an urban environmentalist. In my mind, I look for small thing to save the planet that will make a big impact.
But, last night, when the temperature dipped below 72°, I did as I could hear my BFF's voice in my head suggesting, "pull on warmer clothes, grab and extra blanket and put on some socks." So, when I got home to my cold house, I dutifully pulled on my sweats, unpacked my extra blanket and pulled on my favorite socks and thought, "Yeah, this could work!"
...10 minutes later, I got out of bed and turn on the heat. Truth is I am not really a "suffer" for the cause kinda girl (at least not when my nose is cold).
In general, I consider myself to be a pretty progressive person. Ok, I'm not an environmentalist, but I recycle my paper and plastics; regularly take public transit or car pool (ok, maybe I do this because I hate to drive); actively seek out products in eco-friendly containers and, even my BFF is an urban environmentalist. In my mind, I look for small thing to save the planet that will make a big impact.
But, last night, when the temperature dipped below 72°, I did as I could hear my BFF's voice in my head suggesting, "pull on warmer clothes, grab and extra blanket and put on some socks." So, when I got home to my cold house, I dutifully pulled on my sweats, unpacked my extra blanket and pulled on my favorite socks and thought, "Yeah, this could work!"
...10 minutes later, I got out of bed and turn on the heat. Truth is I am not really a "suffer" for the cause kinda girl (at least not when my nose is cold).
Monday, October 04, 2010
IPad Alternative for PC Users
Are you a PC user and mad that you are not on the "cool kids" Apple bandwagon? To secretly envy the Ipad users for their postablity and cool touch screen? Not to worry. Google has your answer with the Android Tablet PC. Best news, is that it is only $145. All this and it has a camera and USB port, thus fixing the 2 major oversites with the Ipad. I will likely get this myself and I am one of the cool "apple kids". Check out the video and let me know what you think.
Taurasi Bears All

This picture of Taurasi is hot! Of course, she has a great body, but more importantly. She is beautiful. I am sure this will sell a lot of magazines, (and hopefully) a lot of tickets too!!! The best thing about cover is that it finally shows professional female athletes as more than one dimensional. Hats off to ESPN and Taurasi for "bearing it all"!
Eliminating My Excuses
Always a good thing to take your own advice. Tonight, I am doing just that by elminating my excuses. About 2 years ago, I started this blog. Then after faithfully posting for a month, I gave up. I still had bright ideas and witty things to say (at least they sound witty in my head) but I had no audience. (Except for my mom, and even she was iffy). The lack of audience discouraged me. After all, where are my adoring fans? Reality check: they don't exsist or they are busy. For purpose of my sanity, I'm going to assume the second.
Anyway, two "aw ha" moments from this experience. 1. The lack of audience was just an excuse not to write. Writing, like most skills, require discipline. If you (meaning 'I') are (am) serious, you (again 'I') must be willing to do it when no one is watching. And 2, if you keep doing it (and you are good) then promote yourself (again, my own self) and the audiance will come. Afterall, I have over 900 fb friends and almost 100 followers, so maybe somebody is reading.
Total aside, best thing ever is blogging from my phone, which I am doing right now. Droid rocks!!!
Anyway, two "aw ha" moments from this experience. 1. The lack of audience was just an excuse not to write. Writing, like most skills, require discipline. If you (meaning 'I') are (am) serious, you (again 'I') must be willing to do it when no one is watching. And 2, if you keep doing it (and you are good) then promote yourself (again, my own self) and the audiance will come. Afterall, I have over 900 fb friends and almost 100 followers, so maybe somebody is reading.
Total aside, best thing ever is blogging from my phone, which I am doing right now. Droid rocks!!!
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.2
No Humor in NBC's Outsourced
Comedy is the shield for all of our ills. If you are racists, sexist, ageist, homophobic, or anything else tasteless and rude., there is one way for you to get away with this behavior....BE FUNNY! Comedy allows us to all laugh at our shortcomings and those of others. Through comedy, we learn not to take each other to seriously and it can bring together people who might not normally associate. But I can not stress enough the importance of ACTUALLY being funny.
Unfortunately, the new show "Outsourced" falls in this category...ABSOLUTELY NOT FUNNY. This new NBC comedy on its face seems like it would be rich with laughs, not so much. The series starts with Tom (Ben Rappaport) returning from training to start his new job as a call center manager in Kansas City (being from here, the humor is not lost on me) only to find out that the entire center has been 'outsourced' to India. Tom is given a choice, move to India or be fired. No surprise... he is off to India. Once in India the good times (not really) begin. This show manages to offend people from India, Women, Gays, Mid-westerners, and even, the WNBA ( which is my book is the most serious offense), which would all be good if they had managed with in all of that to be funny.
The sad part is that I am really excited to see so many people of color working, but like early African American roles, Hollywood likes to introduce people at their worst. I hope there are more shows that feature Indian actors in the future, but this one sucks!!! Not sure who at NBC gave this show the green light, but they should be OUTSOURCED!!!
Unfortunately, the new show "Outsourced" falls in this category...ABSOLUTELY NOT FUNNY. This new NBC comedy on its face seems like it would be rich with laughs, not so much. The series starts with Tom (Ben Rappaport) returning from training to start his new job as a call center manager in Kansas City (being from here, the humor is not lost on me) only to find out that the entire center has been 'outsourced' to India. Tom is given a choice, move to India or be fired. No surprise... he is off to India. Once in India the good times (not really) begin. This show manages to offend people from India, Women, Gays, Mid-westerners, and even, the WNBA ( which is my book is the most serious offense), which would all be good if they had managed with in all of that to be funny.
The sad part is that I am really excited to see so many people of color working, but like early African American roles, Hollywood likes to introduce people at their worst. I hope there are more shows that feature Indian actors in the future, but this one sucks!!! Not sure who at NBC gave this show the green light, but they should be OUTSOURCED!!!
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