Sunday, January 28, 2007

I'm Back from Vacation, Dreaming of Iowa

Well it is official, we will not get a break on the national political scene. Thanks to someones bright idea to move the presidential primaries up to January 2008, we are less than an year away from selecting our party nominee. So, if you care about who will be president...then get you ass to Iowa.

While the national press is focused on Obama and Clinton, the latest Iowa polls favors John Edwards, who we hear almost nothing about from national press. In reality, the national media and their polls are largely hot air. The real race will happen in 4 states; Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire and South Carolina.

A week after announcing Clinton went to Iowa. She has done this before so she knows how important Iowa will be. Edwards has never left Iowa. If you review the Iowa press, you will find articles on his visits every month for the last year. Obama is planning his 1st trip to Iowa in late Feb. Edwards is leading in the Iowa polls with 25% support, follow by Clinton with 17%. However, when asked who they feel has the best chance at beating Rudy Guiliani, it is Edwards.

You can read the Washington Post and watch the Sunday Morning news shows, but I am going to read the Des Moines Register. I suggest you do the same. Check it out.